Have a Fun on Halloween - 3 Jewelry Let You to be the leading actor

This Friday is the Halloween Day of 2019. Since VVVJewelry sells so many skull jewelry, our customers and we should be all skull fans so the halloween day is a big great funny day for us.
VVV jewelry have been give a big discount 15% OFF during the week of halloween. (USE CODE: Halloween)
You can buy our jewelry with a much cheaper price till 10 November 2019.

About Halloween

Halloween as it is celebrated these days is but a pale representation of its rich and multicultural history. It is not, as some would call it, a celebration of the Devil or of Hell or of the Damned, but rather a blending of the celebrations marking the end of the growing season, a heralding of the coming of the winter months and folk traditions that told of the day when the veil between the living and the dead, ever a transparent, gossamer veil at that, would lift and ghosts and ghouls would walk among the living. From those many traditions, coming to us from the Celts, the Roman rituals and even Catholic tradition, we get the stirrings of what would eventually become Halloween.

Halloween Jewelry

When the halloween day is coming, everybody prepare to celebrate it for the Halloween Food, halloween apparal and Halloween Games etc. Children will love this day and it is also happy day for everyone.
Halloween Jewelry will also make more fun for you, with the discount affordable prices, we suggest 6 of our jewelry for your consideration:

1) Sterling Silver Delicate Skull Ring

This skull rings is very shine and light, only sell at 18.7USD after discount!

2)Men's Gothic Skull Square Pendant Necklace

Very Cool Skull Necklace! Wear this necklace to a Halloween party you will be the most handsome one!

Of Course you will also need a skull bracelet:

3)Sterling Silver Red Eye Zircon Skull Bracelet

This skull bracelet has a red eye skull, very cool as well.

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